‘Tennessee’ Category

  1. Weekend Round-up September 15th

    September 17, 2012 by myeye

    The Chase/Scout kids headed home to Chattanooga this weekend with splendid results.  At the Chattanooga Dog Show Lowri (GCH Mockingbird Elyan Magic Moment HSAd HSBd) was Best of Breed both days and was pulled in the Group on Saturday.  Litter brother Tommy (CH Mockingbird It’s The Magic in Me} was Select on Saturday and Best Opposite Sex on Sunday.  Mama Scout (GCH Jean Louise Finch HT RN CA ROMb) was Select both days.  On Saturday there was a puppy match where Baby Dinah (Chase/Keina daughter McCombs Black Dinah) won the Herding Group.  At the nearby Lure Coursing field, Ginger (CH Mockingbird-Wyncrest’s I believe In Magic) ran like the wind and earned all three legs of  her CA (Coursing Ability Title).  Sister Sally (CH Mockingbird Practical Magic) earned the first leg of her CA.  Go, Ocho!

    At home Chase and I worked on weave poles.  Naughty Nola wanted to be in on the act.  Since I have guides on a set of 6 poles, it was a piece of cake for Nola to zoom through and arrive at my front asking for treats.  Now who could resist that red dog smiley face?  Time to sign her up for Agility Prep.  Chase is understanding the dumbbell and yesterday he carried it across the living room while heeling with me.  I’m thinking May for the try for his CDX.

    This month the Smooch (Elyan The Evening Echo of C-Myste HT RN BN) will be trialing in Obedience and (I think) more Agility.  Chase has his Agility debut next weekend.  Lowri will be off to more shows the end of the month, and Baby Dinah  will make her grown-up show debut.

    I am so very proud of the Gramdkids.

  2. Herding and The Easter Egg Hunt

    April 9, 2012 by myeye

    Chase is doing some beautiful work out in the field.  Cheryl captured these moments yesterday.

    The Outrun

    Moving the sheep through the course

    After herding on Easter, very good dogs get to have an Easter Egg Hunt.  The plastic eggs were filled with yummy dog treats.

    I found one, I found one!

    If only we had thumbs . . .

  3. Herding On April Fool’s Day

    April 2, 2012 by myeye

    To celebrate her wedding, Susan changed into her mud-resistant clothing and put the dogs on the sheep.  Here are two photos of Chase working his flock.  Cheryl takes the very best photos of our boy.

  4. Weekend Wrap-Up

    April 1, 2012 by myeye

    Yesterday Nikki was Best of Breed in Bakersfield and took a Herding Group IV.  Whoo Hoo, Nikki!

    Today our friend, dog co-owner, and Chase herding trainer/handler Susan Shields Long was married to Ron Long.  We wish them many happy years together.  Chase was all dressed up ready to give the bride away.  Alas, that was not to be.  Nonetheless, here he is with the bride after the ceremony.  (Susan changed from her skirt to mud-resistant clothing so they could herd.)  Chase was still wearing the bow tie he had donned in the event he was part of the wedding party.  (Thanks, Cheryl)

  5. Practicing for the Herding Trial

    March 11, 2012 by myeye

    On March 24-25, Chase and Susan will try to earn Chase’s final two legs of his Advanced Sheep Herding Title.  For the first time in his short herding career, Chase had the opportunity to train at the facility that will host the trials.  Yesterday Susan, Cheryl, Chase and Kearney trekked down to Georgia.  Cheryl sent some lovely photos, but this one best sums up Chase’s relationship with Susan and with his sheep.  That smile on his face creates a lump in my throat.

    From herding practice, Chase went to Janet Suber’s home (see post below).  Today they will go to the Franklin shows where Janet will relinquish custody of Chase to Cheryl Mika.  She’ll get him ready for the Louisville shows next weekend.  He’s not been entered in a show since Western Reserve (I think), but needs this brush up before the National Specialty.