‘Photography’ Category

  1. Tuli Chase Puppies

    November 22, 2017 by myeye

    Well, things did not go exactly as planned.  On November 6th, Tuli delivered six puppies in fewer than four hours.  They were healthy and active.  They weighed between 7.3 ounces and 10.5 ounces.  There were three boys and three girls.  This is the litter at the beginning.

    Original 11-6-17

    On day five, three puppies died within four hours.  It was unexpected as all had been nursing well and were very active.  We lost two girls and one boy.  The lab at Texas A & M Vet School is trying to determine the cause of death.  Originally, I thought it was Canine Herpes Virus, but the lab says it was not.  They are culturing to determine what might have killed the babies.

    We have three puppies remaining.  They are 17 days old today.  They are eating well and are very active.  The two boys are over two pounds each and the little girl is at one pound.  Tuli is a great mom!  It’s interesting that the three smallest puppies at birth are the survivors.

    Alice - Banter 17 daysThese are Alice and Banter.  Eyes are open.

    Ezra 17 daysEzra is a full-faced mismark.  He has very interesting markings, including leaves on his back.  He will live with Carol in Silver City New Mexico.

    I am hoping that these babies continue to thrive.  Perhaps the girl is a show puppy as I intend to keep her.  We will see how Banter grows and decide where he should live when we are able to evaluate him.

    I’m grateful that Tuli is well and thinking good thoughts for the little ones.

  2. The Southern California Herding Trials

    April 9, 2016 by myeye

    The Chaseman has been practicing diligently with his guide Ellen Gerwin.  We hope those California sheep are ready for him.  He leaves Tuesday for the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of Southern California All-Corgi Trials.  The trials are next weekend (April 16-17).  Chase is entered in Advanced Sheep and we are hoping (so hard) that he trials well and picks up some more championship points.  Here is a photo of Chase at practice.  It was taken by Pam Day.

    1-31-16 Chase herding by Pam


  3. Chase/Daisy Puppies 7-1/2 Weeks Old

    February 7, 2015 by myeye

    The puppies were too hungry.  We wanted them to be really interested in little bits of deli meat so they would stack and reach for the food.  I waited just a little too far past lunch time.  Many thanks to Kathy and Jean who once again came up to the house to help photograph the baybeez.  I hope Kathy’s fingers heal by next weekend.  Jean was the camera woman — great job!

    I am very happy with these sweet puppies.  Today was a romp outside (65 degrees) so their whites could definitely be whiter.  BUT they are little kids so get to play outside when it’s nice.


    Quinn Judge Side 2-7-15

    Quinn-Front  2-7-15

    Quinn Off Side 2-7-15


    Rory Judge Side 2-7-15

    Rory Front 2-7-15

    Rory Off Side 2-7-15

    Sabin (now Sherlock)

    Sabin Judge Side 2-7-15

    Sabin Front 2-7-15

    Sabin Off Side 2-7-15

    Terra (now Lacey)

    Terra Judge Side 2-7-15

    Terra Front 2-7-15

    Terra Off Side 2-7-15


    Ultra Judge Side 2-7-15

    Ultra Front 2-7-15

    Ultra Off Side 2-7-15

  4. Tuli and the Chase/Daisy Baybees

    February 1, 2015 by myeye

    Tuli landed at the airport last night.  She is 10-1/2 weeks old.  She is a delightful spirit that I am so happy to own.  Tuli is a Lowri/Kevin daughter which makes her a Chase granddaughter/great granddaughter.Tuli Judge Side 1This was the only shot we took of her — it gives you the idea of how she is built

    The Chase/Daisy Baybeez are 6-1/2 weeks old.  This week they were a little more comfortable being manhandled.  Many thanks to Kathy Sanchez whose fingers are a puppy delicacy and to Jean Sanchez who had her first try at using the SLR camera.  I think we’ll use a tripod next weekend.


    Quinn Judge Side3 2-1-15Judge Side

    Quinn Front 2-1-15Front

    Quinn Off Side1 2-1-15Off Side


    Rory Judge Side 2-1-15Judge Side

    Rory Front 2-1-15Front

    Rory Off Side 2-1-15Off Side


    Sabin Judge Side 2-1-15Judge Side

    Sabin Front 2-1-15Front

    Sabin Off Side 2-1-15Off Side


    Terra Judge Side 2-1-15Judge Side

    Terra Front 2-1-15Front

    Terra Off Side 2-1-15Off Side


    Ultra Judge Side 2-1-15Judge Side

    Ultra Front 2-1-15Front

    Ultra Off Side 2-1-15Off Side



  5. Puppy Glamour Shots

    January 29, 2015 by myeye

    On the occasion of their 6-week birthday, the Baybeez and I headed into Albuquerque to visit Kevin Dooley at Kevin’s Photography Studio.  The result is more than 300 images — sharing a few here with you.  The puppies were wonderful: bold and inquisitive, happy to meet new people.  Kevin and Tricia’s red/white Cardi Copper was at the studio and the puppies were quite sure that a red/white Cardi must be Daisy-mom.  They tried for a snack or two with no results.

    Babies in a tubBabies in a Tub

    Suitcase puppiesWell, our bags are packed, we’re ready to go . . .

    Three boys - flagThe three banditos – Quinn, Rory and Sabin

    Girls with pinkTwo little girls so pretty with pink – Ultra and Terra