‘New Mexico Beauty’ Category

  1. Just About Full

    January 17, 2014 by myeye

    First let me say TGIF!  This is the morning view to the west from my back door.

    Vertical Moon 1-17-14

    Morning Moon 1-17-14

    Have a wonderful Friday!

  2. So You Had A Bad Day

    January 3, 2014 by myeye

    I cannot yet talk about yesterday.  Suffice it to say there will be no baby puppies here this spring.  Riley will be fine and so will I as soon as I get a tetanus shot:>)  For healing we look to the skies.  This morning the sunrise reflected on the clouds to the west.

     Sunrise reflection1 1-3-14

    sunrise reflection2 1-3-14

    Sunrise-mountain-bulletin 1-3-14

  3. Moonset November 17th

    November 17, 2013 by myeye

    When the baddogs sense any light in the morning, their innate belief system takes hold.  It is time for breakfast!  NOW!  This morning they had to wait just a couple of minutes while I grabbed the camera.

    Moonset blog 11-17-13It’s almost full — this is a shot to the west from my back door.

  4. Sunset Skies November 13th

    November 14, 2013 by myeye

    I hate going off daylight savings time because I seldom make it home before the sun has set.  When I miss these sights, I feel deprived.  One of the greatest joys of living in the desert southwest is appreciating the evening display.

    Tom Sky 11-13-13There is a moment of brilliance, known here as a “Tom Sky”

    dark land - gold sky 11-13-13. . . and then it is gone

  5. Another New Mexico Sunset November 3rd

    November 3, 2013 by myeye

    sunset cloud bottoms 11-3-13 blogJust above the horizon

    sunset pink reflection 11-3-13 blogClouds away from the horizon