I am so proud of my State. New Mexico never passed a ban on gay marriage. The language in our statutes was gender neutral. A few months ago, a County Clerk in Dona Ana County began issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples because, in his opinion, there was no effective bar to such unions. A few other clerks followed suit. Then they all got together and the County Clerks filed a suit directly to the New Mexico Supreme Court asking the Court to clarify for everyone whether the gender-neutral language of the New Mexico Statute permitted them to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. Many, many organizations jumped in to write briefs pro and con. There was extensive oral argument.
On Thursday, December 19th, our Court ruled that marriage is a union between two human beings to the exclusion of all others. The sexes of the pair were irrelevant to the legality of the marriage. It was a fairness ruling, it was an equal protection ruling, it was the right thing to do.
Yesterday, a Federal Judge in Utah overturned Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage, and on the same grounds.
At a time when our country is so divided, when there is such blatant hatred of others, these two rulings are beacons. These were rulings that uphold love and commitment, in the face of prejudice. Justice should never be subject to popular vote or to public opinion. I am so happy that anyone who loves another may join him/her in marriage until death do them part.
Where there is love, there is still hope.