Posts Tagged ‘Dory’

  1. WOW! Santa Was Here!

    December 17, 2012 by myeye

    Cheryl Kienast sent me a package which arrived on Saturday, but I made it to the Post Office too late to retrieve it.  I picked it up today.  There were lots of fun little things in it — edibles for me and for the baddogs, BUT this is the piece de resistance

    Yes, at my house it is all about the Chase.  Forever more, Jessica Viera will be front and center in my living room, earning Chase his Grand Championship, and there are lots of photos of his children.  How I love the baby baddogs!

    Here is the left side with more Chase and his kids Nola and Lowri and Baby Dinah

    . . . and the right edge with more Chase and kids  Holmes, Lowri, and Nola

    Here’s the left middle with the rare Tennessee Brindled Alligator and more of the kids

    Is this not the coolest gift ever?  Cheryl, you rock.  Thank you so much.

  2. Winter Herding (Nov. 25) and other news

    December 4, 2012 by myeye

    Here is a pretty poor video of Chase and his sheep (with Ellen Gerwin).  The battery in the camera was not holding its charge — which I discovered when the camera suddenly shut off.  We now have a new battery and video quality should be up in the future.  Chase loves his sheep.

    In addition to herding and agility and Nola’s obedience, we will be welcoming a house guest this week.  Lovely Champion Raglans Just Keep Swimming (“Dory”) will be spending the winter with us.  The plan is that she will be bred to Chase.  Puppies will probably be born in February.  Watch for photos of Dory on the blog as she and the other dogs get acquainted.  Dory is a pretty tri girl that turned two this past summer.  She is Hips OFA Fair, Elbows normal, CERF normal, PRA clear, fluff free.  She is a DM carrier which we will work around –Chase is DM normal.  Dory does not carry pink.  She is owned by Anne Kowalczyk.  Anne and I will “co-breed” this litter.  Here is the pedigree for this brood.

    In the late spring, Naughty Nola will be bred* — about the time the Dory babies have gone to their homes.  As always, if you are interested in owning one of these puppies from health-tested parents, please complete the puppy application at the top of the blog.  All puppies are temperament-tested and will be instinct-tested on ducks.  We anticipate lovely, sound herding fools from both these litters.



    *We will reveal the father soon.

  3. We Like Official Over Here As Well

    July 4, 2012 by myeye

    Finally AKC posted points earned through June 9th:

    GCH CH C-Myste Baledwr Pursuit Of Happiness CD RN HSAs HIAs HXAs – DN19929808
    Conformation – Awards Processed Through 09-JUN-2012*
    Number of Points 26
    Number Major Wins 4
    Number Major Judges 4
    Total Number Judges 12
    Events w/CH Defeated 9


    CH Mockingbird-Wyncrest’s I Believe In Magic – DN29684805
    Conformation – Awards Processed Through 09-JUN-2012
    Number of Points 15
    Number Major Wins 3
    Number Major Judges 3
    Total Number Judges 7

    Congratulations to Kathy Metcalfe who owns and showed Ginger to every point, to Janet Suber who bred this lovely girl (as well as the rest of The Ocho), to Angie Hall who flew with Ginger at the National Specialty to Reserve Winners Bitch.  We’re very proud of this team.

    In other cool news, Anne Kowalczyk, with whom I co-own Holmes, has decided her Kennel name will be Bella Cardigans.  She’s building a web site for Holmes and Dory and Chloe.  We plan to have Dory puppies here this winter and you’d better believe Anne’s site will be populated with photos of the babies.  So far, Anne has added 4 points to Dory’s collection.  She is now at 8 with one of her majors.

    We hope you all have a safe, fun-filled Independence Day.  I’ve not yet decided what I shall do to proclaim my independence (and from what).

    *  My records show that Chase earned his final points for his Grand Championship on June 10th.  Who am I to argue?