‘Ditto’ Category

  1. Thanksgiving Weekend

    November 28, 2011 by myeye

    When I look back at the past week — the trauma of Mike dying, trying to catch up at work and get the Bulletin done, herding in the cold yesterday — it’s hard to believe that I am sitting at my desk this morning as if it was a normal day.  Lots happened, so this is a recap:

    Tater went to Lisa’s on Friday night and on Saturday went to his forever show home with Kathleen McCombs.  He is a fortunate baby to have found people that are crazy about him.  Yesterday Tommy (Chase/Scout) earned his 14th Championship point.  He just has one more point to go and he will be CH Mockingbird It’s the Magic in Me.  His owner is doing a great job with him.  Eleven month old Tommy is his Daddy’s boy — loves to go to shows, loves to watch TV.  He is our Lowri’s littermate.

    I came into the office on Friday and Saturday to work on the Bulletin — not finished, but close.

    Yesterday Nola and I went herding.  IT WAS SO COLD.  The elevation where the stock is housed is over 7,000 feet and the wind was really blowing.  So I just added balaclava and hat-with-ear-flaps to my shopping list.  I need to go to Sportsmans Warehouse before we herd again.  I think we are going to begin herding at a place that is only twenty-five minutes from my house.  We’ll have to do it on a weekday, but I’ll work that out.  It will be so much better than driving an hour and a half each way.

    Time to kill trees — I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving.

  2. Tater Found His Home

    November 27, 2011 by myeye

    Friday morning I put the Tater Tot on a Delta flight to Dallas.  His breeder picked him up and took him home.  Tater and his litter sister Riley romped into the night — good for both of them.  Yesterday Lisa took Riley and Tater to the Alvarado shows where Kathleen McCombs fell in love with the little red boy.  She took him home for an overnight trial, but within a couple of hours of the red baby marching into her house, the decision was made.  Tater has his home and Kathleen has her long-coveted red show boy.  I am so happy for them both.  My dogs have spent some time looking for Tater — they can’t figure out where he is, but they have a play pack so no one is likely to pine away.

    I look forward to photos and to occasionally seeing little Tater at shows.

  3. Thanksgiving — on to Christmas

    November 25, 2011 by myeye

    We should have spread these holidays out more.  The dates are really pretty artificial so, it seems to me, we could give thanks in the Spring or Summer and then have Christmas in the winter.  Since I am in charge of nothing, that’s not going to happen.

    Tater’s on an airplane headed to Dallas this morning.  One of the Cargo guys that checked us in has Corgis (the other kind), and fell instantly in love with the little red guy with huge ears.  Tater told us all what he thought about being locked in a crate while we were walking around the Cargo office.  Look out Riley — your brother is a heathen!

    I am hopeful that when Tater shows up at the Alvarado shows this weekend, someone will fall madly in love with the little guy and ask Lisa to hand him over.  He deserves his own home.  He also definitely deserves to be a show puppy.  I so enjoyed having him at the house.  Nola particularly will miss him because they were best buds.  Holmes played with him quite a bit, however, Inca gave me the pitiful “Can’t you do something with him?” look.

    No herding today because it has rained since 10:00 last night — still raining steadily.  That has not deterred the Black Friday folks.  The mall parking lot is full.  People even lined up at Sams Club at 3:00 this morning.  They still had two of the Dyson that’s on sale — which is all I cared about.  Watch out dog hair!

    Nola and I are at the office.  I’m going to catch up on a couple of projects and then work on the Bulletin.  A few hours today and a few more after Obedience class tomorrow will make Monday very pleasant.

  4. Baddog Genes – Using Puppy Teeth

    October 28, 2011 by myeye

    Little Tater is cute and active.  He is always carrying something around with him.  Despite a minefield of toys in their area of the house, Tater started what could have been his (very short) life’s work yesterday.  Darned puppy!

    He didn’t chew clear through it.  I think I interrupted him.  So now, the stools are stacked on the coffee bar and this place looks like a closed restaurant constructed in the middle of a minefield of toys.

  5. Just the Usual Morning Activity

    October 19, 2011 by myeye

    Mornings around this place are not calming and meditative — at all.  After I roll out of bed, I pick up Tater on the way by the puppy room.  I put him the kitchen with the big dogs so he might have some rough and tumble time to begin his day.  I dish up breakfast for all of them — they leap into crates to eat.  Then it is serious play time.  This morning Holmes was teaching Tater to play tug and the monkey toy was pulled in half.  Tater was treated to his first toy disembowelment.  There is white stuffing everywhere, I did rescue the squeaker and toss it in the trash.  Tater is prancing through the kitchen tossing the stuffing in the air and then running away with it.  Nola is playing keep away with a split antler — so that makes Tater forget the stuffing and take off after Nola.  Old Inca is looking for some crumbs of food that someone might have dropped (fat chance).

    After about an hour of the frenzy, everyone flops down for a short nap.  That’s when I take a shower and get ready for the day.  Eventually Tater goes back to the puppy pen (he’s still too little to be unsupervised with the big dogs).  Beginning Friday, Nola and Holmes will be separated.  Nola is in season and I don’t believe year old girls should have puppies.  Holmes will disagree with me.  I’m expecting a week of a very unhappy Holmes.

    Holmes and Nola are entered at the Pueblo shows.  It looks like Holmes still needs three Grand Champion points.  I’ll show Naughty Nola in Bred-By.  Tater is coming along because the Southern Colorado Kennel Club is having a B match on Friday night.  At 4-1/2 months old, it’s time for our little red boy to learn how to be a show dog.  Inca will stay home and my neighbor will feed and play with her.

    Holmes and I are again signed up for a Basic Novice Class — this is number three or four.  Dog shows have always caused us to miss too many weeks.  This time we’ll only miss one during the Pueblo shows.  Holmes loves to work with me, so this will be fun for us both.